ApologyFree™ Leadership

Lead like a boss or follow like the rest 

The choice is yours

Kathi Kulesza
BUILD Trust & Loyalty
BOOST Productivity & Profits
RETAIN Top Talent

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"Having a title and authority does not make you a leader.

You can be a leader without a title.

People work for managers. People follow leaders."

Inspire Confident ApologyFree Leaders

Being an effective leader has never been easy, and now it's more challenging than ever. Everyone is. more demanding; members, customers, staff, the boss. Sure, we're resilient, we're still standing, right?. So why doesn't it feel like it's enough? Because it isn't! 

Kathi Kulesza offers a fresh perspective that will empower, inspire, and boost the confidence of your leaders. Today's successful leaders will find harmony between the best-laid plans and the ability to adapt as they navigate change and uncertainty.

An essential concept your attendees will learn is how to Ditch the ToDo's and Master the ToBe's. They will learn to ask better questions, questions from their ToBe list rather than their ToDo list. The ToDo list is task oriented. The ToBe list is person-oriented. As a result they will become more trustworthy and followable as they learn to lead with more impact and influence. 

Topics Available as Keynote or Workshop

3 Essential Traits to Lead with Confidence

It’s time to challenge your leaders to evaluate all systems, processes, staffing, services, and customers through a new lens. Learn three leadership traits that will equip you to be recognized as a resilient and adaptable leader who thrives in the face of uncertainty.

Be the Boss People Want to Work For

Business leaders cannot afford to leave employee engagement to chance. The best bosses possess three traits that make them likable and followable: they are trustworthy, provide a clear vision, and they demonstrate supportive leadership. 

ApologyFree Leadership in the Midst of Change

Imagine being prepared for an uncertain future. Learn three leadership traits that will equip you to lead with confidence, courage, and decisiveness – no apology needed. Be the leader who is resilient, adapts and thrives in the face of change and uncertainty.